Hair & Beauty

KS3 Subject Intent

Vocational learning will take place throughout the course of the year. Learners will develop basic hair, make-up, beauty and nail skills. Learners will develop knowledge and understanding of legal requirements linked to the hair and beauty sector which will enable them to use these to support their practical processes in a professional manner. Learners will develop knowledge of basic level 1 methods of hair and beauty practises which will prepare them for level 2. The intention of this learning is to prepare our learners for an in-depth qualification making them feel confident within their own abilities to complete the next chapter of their learning.

KS4 Subject Intent

Hair and beauty at KS4 is designed to enable all students to become confident young stylists. The aim is to develop personal learning and thinking skills whilst developing practical skills demonstrating dexterity and hand-eye co-ordination. The curriculum aims are to develop confidence, communication skills and self-discipline. Learners will also develop concepts, theories and processes. They will follow set styling methods allowing them to personify these by developing their own interpretation by drawing from the breadth of knowledge and skills learned.

Curriculum Implementation