British Values

Redbridge Community School wholeheartedly supports the very notion of Britishnesswithin the schooland the wider community.

Understanding that we live in a British world where all inhabitants of the British political system and world experience models of the economy, continue to be influenced by British culture is very much something that should be celebrated and recognised. Defining Britishness will invariably be difficult given the past and on-going influence of Great Britain.

The very notion goes beyond simple, genuine headings, but rather a commitment from the school community to identify the unique aspects of being British – understood by both the school community and the wider context.

What We Define as British Values:

  1. The Rule of law
  2. British heritage
  3. Mutual respect and the promotion of pragmatic behaviour
  4. Fair play
  5. Politeness and good manners
  6. Support for the underdog
  7. Britain’s cultural influence
  8. Promotion of excellence
  9. Opportunity by hard work
  10. Sense of humour

We strongly believe that our school values of Aspiration, Respect, Opportunity and Excellence promote the very core of what it means to be British.

1. The Rule of law

The promotion of the respect for authority, rules and the law; understanding how rules and laws are made and their specific role in promoting a fair, just and equal society. This is reflected in our values and rules based school.

2. British heritage ​

Understanding the role of Great Britain throughout the ages in both a local, national and international context. Promoting deep understanding of how Great Britain has influenced the world in political, economic and social terms by the promotion of democracy, commerce, social justice and inventions that changed the world. In school this is through a curriculum that looks specifically at these ideals and that numerous opportunities exist to visit places linked to British heritage.

3. Mutual respect and the promotion of pragmatic behaviour

An active promotion of ‘live and let live’ by recognising that different groups of people contribute successfully to a diverse and well-structured society. Promoting high levels of self-esteem engaging all members of the school community to self-actualisation. Understanding how Britain has promoted a high level of pragmatism is absorbing elements of other cultures (in particular from within the British empire and the wider world) and developing these ideas, facts and influence further. At Redbridge this reflects how we welcome new ideas and develop the school in a nimbly pragmatic way. Often seen in our development plan.

4. Fair play

The open promotion of respect for rules and/ or equal treatment of all concerned. Whilst understanding rules can promote unjust situations that require resolution in an open and pragmatic way. At Redbridge we promote this through conflict resolution and restorative practice.

5. Support for the 'underdog'

The empowerment of those less fortunate in a given circumstance where support for success is explicitly offered. Supported by a ‘let’s get on with it’ mentality. Our curriculum builds resilience through testing and opportunities to test courage.

6. Britain's cultural influence

Understanding the role Britain has played in promoting a British culture with explicit reference to inventions, innovations, commerce, film, television, music and computing (social media/ internet). This is reflected in our opportunities.

7. Politeness and manners

Installing a sense of moral duty and ambition supported by a sense of self-discipline and discovery. Opportunities for students include leadership teams, care teams and ambassadors.

8. Promotion of excellence

A desire to be the very best by pursuing excellence, learning the value of loss and magnanimity, learning from mistakes so personal strategies can be developed to reach excellence. Our opportunities to develop confidence leads to gains in resilience.

​9. Opportunity by hard work

Promoting meritocracy so all students understand that focussed hard work and practise lead to a sense of whole person development and success. Well, this is about reward and recognition with big and small reward events.

10. Sense Of Humour

Understanding and promoting the uniqueness of British humour to develop rapport and promote positive relationships – instilling a sense of ‘banter’ whilst developing an ability to ‘laugh at one’s self’ and not take all things in life too seriously. Laughing out loud every day is key to a successful life.

Mr Jason Ashley

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