KS3 Subject Intent

The intention of PSHE at KS3 is to provide all students with a broad spexcturm of all the topics that the Government have outlined. Each unit focusses on one of the 6 key areas. Students as they progress through the keystage will develop a more critical view of these with a key focus on how these topics affect themsleves, others and the wider community. The intent of this key stage in to develop students into aspirational well rounded individuals.

KS4 Subject Intent

The intention of PSHE at KS4 is to build upon the wide range of topics that they have looked at in KS3 by going into more depth in certain circumstances and in a more age appropriate way in others. Students as they progress through the keystage will use critical thinking to formulate their own, educated view of the world and the way they interact with it. Their cultural literacy will enhance throughout the key stage so by the end of it they are exposed to a world that they are well prepared for rather than being daunted by it.

Curriculum Implementation