
KS3 Subject Intent

Business at KS3 is designed to prepare and enthuse students about the business world and give them a basic understanding of Business. The KS3 schemes of work intend to introduce basic elements of Business theory and turn students into curious, resilient and confident students who have an interest in how the business world works and its impact on them and society. This two hours of study, allows students to think independently, gain skills in ICT programmes, improve analytical skills, improve literacy, communication and numeracy skills. Our intention is for learners to develop curiosity of the business world and improve their cultural literacy by having access to topical issues raised by businesses and the external environment. Our ambition is that a number of students will choose Business as a pathway at KS4, however the knowledge and skills learned will serve them well throughout Key Stage 4 and when they leave school because it helps them understand how businesses fit into modern society.

KS4 Subject Intent

Business at KS4 is designed to give students broad knowledge of all aspects of business theory including; business activity, marketing, people, production, finance and the external environment. After knowledge is embedded we fully intend to develop student’s exam reading and writing skills over the 2-year course. We aim to develop student’s numeracy, literacy and communication skills through a range of tasks. Our intention is also for our students to apply their knowledge to a broad range of businesses and business scenarios. The overall intent of the course is to fully prepare students for the wider world, whether they wish to run a business themselves as an entrepreneur or work within a business in a specialised department. We intend to inspire our students to have ambition, confidence, intelligence and critical thinking. We use a wide range of business case study examples with the intent of developing and improving their cultural literacy. We also intend to enthuse students about the business world and give students the necessary confidence and skills to be able to work successfully in a large business or spot an opportunity and act upon it. An additional intent of the department is to fully prepare students for the working world by teaching them employability skills including professional verbal and written communication, initiative, time management, stress management, teamwork, thinking and problem-solving. Our hope is that the department can inspire students to aim high and continue with Business, Economics or Politics at degree level or work successfully within the business world.

Curriculum Implementation