
KS3 Subject Intent

The KS3 French curriculum has been designed to cover the National Curriculum in a sequence that facilitates consistent understanding and knowledge retention for Redbridge Modern Foreign Language students. This means that it has been organised to be logical for learners of a variety of abilities, namely to consolidate knowledge for lower attainers and to develop independence and linguistic creativity for higher attainers. Furthermore, it offers students the opportunity to experience French-speaking countries’ culture and nurtures students’ interest in the wider world.

The curriculum allows for grammar points to be revisited throughout the course in order to ensure students are able to use and manipulate a range of grammatical structures. By the end of KS3, students’ core grammar knowledge is well established, allowing for further development during KS4. More complex vocabulary is also introduced to ensure that all students, especially Shine students, are better equipped for further skill development in Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. Students will feel confident in combining their vocabulary and grammatical knowledge so that they are able to use their skills in a variety of contexts. By the end of KS3, students’ fluency and spontaneity when using French will have increased across both Speaking and Writing, and they will have more confidence in understanding and responding to authentic sources, having developed their Listening and Reading skills. This will form a strong foundation for further study and equip the students with the necessary skills to use the language in ‘real life’ situations.

KS4 Subject Intent

The KS4 French curriculum consolidates the knowledge of grammar points obtained in KS3, and more complex grammatical rules are introduced and practised. All tenses are covered and revisited in detail and an emphasis on cultural awareness is introduced to develop students’ interest in the French-speaking world, and to encourage higher attainers who are passionate enough about languages to want and continue with them in higher education. Students learn to understand grammar structures alongside topic based vocabulary so that they develop the confidence and the independence to manipulate the modern language successfully. This allows for greater creativity in all of the four skill areas.

Curriculum Implementation