Physical Education/Sport

KS3 Subject Intent

Students arrive in Year 7 with varying knowledge and understanding of sporting activities, many with little or no experience of formal sports, others having played certain sports to a high level. Our intent is to provide all students with a KS3 curriculum to help them become more competant, confident and expert in sporting techniques and to be able to apply them in a range of sports and physical activities. Consequently, we focus on the following key drivers:

1) Developing tactics and strategies to overcome opponents

2) Developing techniques and improving performances

3) Presenting physical and intellectual challenges, whilst encouraging team work and problem solving skills

4) Analysing performances and demonstrating improvement to achieve personal bests

5) Encouragement to take part in competitive sports outside of school via community links or sports clubs

KS4 Subject Intent

The intent of the KS4 BTEC Sport curriculum is to further develop the 5 key drivers students were exposed to in KS3, in accordance with the delivery of the four units of work that make up the qualification. Specifically, we look to develop technical and tactical awareness; evaluation, analysis and improvement skills; session planning and delivery; information collection, interpretation, retention and expression and personal exercise planning for life long learning.

Curriculum Implementation