We regularly receive a large amount of feedback from parents, staff and students regarding uniform, with some very conflicting opinions.
As a result of this, members of the Senior Management Team and Student Senior Management Team have carefully considered everyone’s views and have subsequently updated the school uniform regulations.
In order to develop our corporate image, maintain health and safety standards, a positive image within the community and across the city as well as upholding a professional outlook within school.
The school uniform is as follows:
Acceptable | Additional Notes |
School polo shirt | Long sleeved sweatshirts should not be worn underneath the school polo shirt and other tops should not be visible. |
Plain, Black school trousers for boys and girls | Canvas/denim trousers are not acceptable. |
Black, knee-length tailored shorts for girls and boys | Any form of beach shorts or ones deemed too short are not acceptable. |
Plain black leggings | In order to maintain the modesty of the girls, it is essential that leggings are of sufficient quality as to not be revealing.
Wet look or shiny legging are not permitted. School legging cannot be worn during PE lessons. Coloured socks cannot be worn over the top of leggings We do ask that black socks are worn. |
Black skirt for girls (optional) | A skirt should be of a length considered to be decent in order to protect a young lady’s modesty, ideally not above the knee. |
Knee length cycling shorts for girls | |
School hooded sweatshirt or cardigan if desired | Any other hooded sweatshirt other than the school one is not acceptable.
All coats and jackets need to be removed in the classroom. |
A plain, dark blue or black cardigan or pullover can be worn | Any additional pattern or logo is not acceptable. |
A sensible, warm and waterproof coat for cold and inclement weather | |
Plain black footwear | Canvas or leather shoes are allowed but they should only be black and not a mixture of colours.
For healthy & safety reasons, open-toed shoes or sandals for students are now allowed. Student need to consider correct footwear for wet, snow, or ice conditions. |
Earrings – for reasons of safety, we ask that the maximum of two studs are worn for each ear – small rings may be worn | Dangly or hooped earrings and scaffolding jewellery are not acceptable.
Any large ring which impedes the student’s ability to work will be asked to be removed. |
Facial piercings – retainers need to be worn and not the actual jewellery itself | Retainers need to be transparent and removed for PE. |
Hairstyles and Make-up – These should be ‘toned down’ to maintain the professional image of the school | Very vibrant colours or shaved patterns are not acceptable. |
Other jewellery – Apart from watches, bracelets may be worn to a sensible level and on necklace, if students choose to wear them they must be worn underneath the polo shirt | Headphones should not be visible. |
PE Kit
NB: Redbridge Community School cannot be held responsible for the loss of any valuable jewellery and students wear it at their own risk. Students may have items confiscated which will be placed in a secure location by a member of staff.