H.O.P.E Project

H.O.P.E Project The HOPE (Helping Other People Eat) project was established formally in September 2018 and its core purpose is to provide free, fresh and high quality food for our school and local community. Its mission is to eradicate food poverty and hunger in our school and the wider school community.

The HOPE Project has a simple core belief:

At Redbridge Community School, there are 4 elements of the HOPE Project:

  • Breakfast Club and School Day Snacks
    The school library is open every day from 7:45 am until 8:40 am, where it serves a nutritious and healthy breakfast. At break time and after school, a range of snacks are available for students to eat as and when they need it. There is no cost. ​

  • Redbridge Community School’s HOPE Pantry
    In the school reception, there is a fridge that contains a range of every day essentials. Parents are free to use and take any every day essentials needed to enable a healthy and fulfilling diet. There is no cost. ​

  • Creative Cooking
    The HOPE Project provides fresh and nutritionally high quality food for use in Food Technology lessons. This enables our students to prepare and cook a full range of tasty food and they are free to take home or eat in school. There is no cost. ​

  • HOPE Project Food Packs
    As a school, we understand the pressure on home budgets and how at times we all need some extra help. The food packs are designed to offer healthy and nutritious food for families suffering unexpected or ongoing hardship. We offer food packs in a confidential and sensitive way with the additional assurances of being non-judgemental. There is no cost.

If you feel you can benefit from the HOPE Project, please contact head@redbridge.southampton.sch.uk

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